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God is the Cause of all causes
Suppose we are standing at an airport watching a big jet come in for a landing. I say to you, “A lot of people think that plane is the result of someone’s carefully designed plans, but I know better. There was really no intelligence at work on it at all. In some strange way the metal just came out of the ground, and fashioned itself into flat sheets. And then these metal sheets slowly began to grow together and formed the body and wings and tail. Then after a long while the engines slowly grew in place, and one day some people came along and discovered the plane, all finished and ready to fly.”
You would probably consider me a lunatic and move farther into the crowd to escape my senseless chatter. Why? You know that where there is a design there must be a designer, and having seen other productions of the human mind just like the plane in question, you are positive that it was planned by human intelligence and built by human skill.
Yet there are highly-educated, professional men who tell us that the entire universe came into being by chance, that there was really no higher intelligence at work in it. They claim to know no God but nature.
On the other hand there are many thoughtful men who believe that God is transcendent: that is, while He reveals Himself in nature (in that its laws and principles are expressions of His power and wisdom), He Himself is greater than the universe. But all that atheists can offer us is the riddle of design without a designer, of creation without a Creator, of effect without Cause.
Every thinking person believes in a series of causes and effects in nature, each effect becoming the cause of some other effect. The acceptance of this as fact logically compels one to admit that there must be a beginning to any series. There could never have been a first effect if there had not been a First Cause. This First Cause to me is Deity.
Thought: “In the beginning God…” (Genesis 1:1)
Prayer: Give me eyes of faith, O God, to see You as the Cause of all causes.
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This audio CD is approximately 59 minutes, divided into 34 chapters. Edited by Dr SH Tow Please note that the last paragraph of some chapter texts may not be present in the audio tracks.