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By faith we see the invisible
Although man has discovered many of the laws that govern electricity, even the greatest scientists cannot really define it. Then why do we believe it exists? Because we see the manifestations of its existence in our homes and industries and streets. Though I do not know where God came from, I believe He exists, because I see the manifestations of Him everywhere around me.
Dr Wernher von Braun, director of NASA research, and developer of the rocket which put America’s first space satellite into orbit, says:
“In our modern world, many people seem to feel that our rapid advances in the field of science render such things as religious belief untimely or old-fashioned. They wonder why we should be satisfied in ‘believing’ something when science tells us that we ‘know’ so many things. The simple answer to this contention is that we are confronted with many more mysteries of nature today than when the age of scientific enlightenment began. With every new answer unfolded, science had consistently discovered at least 3 new questions. The answers indicate that everything as well ordered and perfectly created as are our earth and universe must have a Maker, a Master Designer. Anything so orderly, so perfect, so precisely balanced, so majestic as this creation can only be the product of a Divine idea…”
The late professor Edwin Conklin, a noted biologist, very aptly said, “The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of Chamber’s Dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop.”
God’s Word says: “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3).
Thought: The heavens declare the glory of God!
Prayer: Give me a heart of faith, O God, to believe Your Word.
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This audio CD is approximately 59 minutes, divided into 34 chapters. Edited by Dr SH Tow Please note that the last paragraph of some chapter texts may not be present in the audio tracks.