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In Adam all die; in Christ – all ALIVE!
But why did not God make man incapable of disobeying His will and therefore incapable of sinning? Such a question is like asking why does not God draw a crooked straight line or a square round, or make an object black all over and white all over at the same time. Man is a creature with power of intelligent choice, so that the question really is: Why didn’t God make a creature with the power of intelligent choice and yet without the power of intelligent choice at the same time?
If I had the power of hypnosis, I would be able to put my 2 sons into a hypnotic state, thus robbing them of the power of intelligent choice. I could then say, “Sit on those chairs till I return” – “Get up and eat” – “Stop eating” – “Kiss me goodnight” – and unfeeling arms would go around my neck, and unresponsive lips would be pressed to mine. I would have prompt and perfect obedience to my every command, but would I find satisfaction in it? No!
I want boys with free wills, who are capable of disobeying me, but who willingly choose to carry out my instructions, which are the outcome of my love for them and are given for their own good. I cannot conceive of God, who put these desires in my heart and yours, being satisfied with anything less Himself.
God does not want puppets who jump in a given direction according to the wire that is pulled, nor does He want robots in the form of “men” who mechanically and absolutely obey His will as do the planets that whirl through space. God can find satisfaction in nothing less than the spontaneous love of our hearts and our free-will decisions to act in ways that please and honour Him. But it is obvious that this same power of free action enables us to defy and dishonour Him if we so choose.
Thought: To obey or not to obey? The choice is yours.
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for giving me a will. Help me to choose to obey You.
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This audio CD is approximately 59 minutes, divided into 34 chapters. Edited by Dr SH Tow Please note that the last paragraph of some chapter texts may not be present in the audio tracks.