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In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever!
See God’s perfect justice and perfect mercy revealed at the cross. He does not take the innocent and compel him to bear the penalty of the guilty. God acts like the judge in this story: It is on record that of two young men who studied law together, one rose to a seat on the bench, while the other took to drink and wasted his life. On one occasion this poor fellow was brought before his old companion, charged with a crime, and the lawyers present wondered what kind of justice would be administered by the judge under such trying circumstances. To their surprise, he sentenced his one-time companion to the heaviest penalty the law allowed, then paid the fine himself and set his old friend free.
God, against whom we have sinned, in justice sat upon His judgement throne and passed the heaviest penalty He could – the sentence of death upon the sinner. Then, in mercy, He stepped from His throne and in the person of His Son took the sinner’s place, bearing the full penalty Himself, for 2 Corinthians 5:19 tells us that “God was in Christ” – not through Christ but in Christ – “reconciling the world unto Himself”.
Paul’s one unchanging message was “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” By this, perishing souls are brought to life everlasting. The perishing world today rejects or perverts the message of the cross. To them, it is foolishness. To us who are saved, it is the power of God. Men of the world are blinded by pride, so they despise the crucified Saviour.
But the great English hymn writer, Isaac Watts, expresses the message of the cross thus:
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
Thought: The cross is the way to life for the repentant ones.
Prayer: Jesus, keep me near Your cross!
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This audio CD is approximately 59 minutes, divided into 34 chapters. Edited by Dr SH Tow Please note that the last paragraph of some chapter texts may not be present in the audio tracks.