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Whosoever will, may come!
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one God. The same God against whom we had sinned passed the judgement, paid the penalty, and now offers us full and free pardon, based upon absolute righteousness. That is why the apostle, Paul, writes in Romans 1:16-17 “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth… for therein is the righteousness of God revealed.” I, too, can say I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for no man can honestly find a flaw in the righteousness offered by God to man. That is the righteousness you may possess now, at this very moment, if you will accept it.
But is the acceptance of Christ as my Saviour all that is necessary to save me for all eternity? Yes. I admit the very simplicity of it seems to make it hard to grasp. But if I owe $500 and have nothing with which to pay, and a friend pays the debt for me and gives me the receipt, I don’t worry about it anymore. I can look my creditor straight in the face, for I hold his signed receipt. Likewise, Jesus Christ gave His life in place of mine, He said, “It is finished,” meaning that the work of atonement was completed, and God gave me His receipt. The assurance that He was satisfied with Christ’s finished work is that He (God) raised Christ from the dead on the third day.
Our Lord Jesus told this parable (Matt 22:1-14): Salvation is like a wedding feast to which many of the King’s subjects are invited. The King not only provides the banquet, but also a wedding garment for each guest, free-of-charge. Only genuine guests are given the garments. At the banquet, one man sneaks in without the garment. This quickly identified him as an imposter and intruder and he is instantly ejected into outer darkness.
Thought: Have I received my garment of righteousness?
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for paying for my garment of righteousness with Your life.
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This audio CD is approximately 59 minutes, divided into 34 chapters. Edited by Dr SH Tow Please note that the last paragraph of some chapter texts may not be present in the audio tracks.