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Alive or dead? You are one or the other, not both
“But,” says someone, “there is one more problem that puzzles me. I know a polished gentleman who is not a Christian and states so quite definitely, and I know a rather crude and uncultured man who is a Christian and who shows his genuine belief in many ways. Do you mean to tell me God prefers the uncultured man simply because he had accepted and acknowledged Christ as his Saviour?”
This question arises from a confusion of ideas. A Christian is not different in degree from a non-Christian; he is different in kind, just as the difference between a diamond and a cabbage is not one of degree, but of kind. The one is polished, and the other is crude, but the one is dead while the other is alive. Therefore the one has what the other does not have, and that is life. And such is the difference God sees between a Christian and non-Christian.
Here is one of the many such statements He makes in His Word. 1 John 5:11-12: “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” So that the vital and all-important question for everyone of us becomes not, am I cultured or uncouth, but, am I alive or dead towards God? Have I received God’s risen Son who brings me life from above, the life of God, called in the Bible eternal life? Or have I not received Him and am I therefore classed by God as among those who “hath not life”?
By our first birth, we received physical life from our earthly parents. This equips us for life on earth. After that, what? Jesus says to us, “He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” It is the Spirit of God that gives you this life. It equips you for life in God’s everlasting kingdom. Do you have this new life? If no, you are as good as dead! Come, then, and receive life in Jesus, eternal life!
Thought: The second birth gives real life, eternal life.
Prayer: Lord, I want to live with Thee in Thy kingdom.
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This audio CD is approximately 59 minutes, divided into 34 chapters. Edited by Dr SH Tow Please note that the last paragraph of some chapter texts may not be present in the audio tracks.