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“My son, give me your heart”
But how may I receive the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour? According to Ephesians 2:1, I am “dead in trespasses and sins”. If I believe Jesus Christ gave His life in place of mine, and that now by the receiving of Him as my Saviour I may have eternal salvation, will perceiving these facts in a cold mechanical way give me everlasting life? Most certainly not!
A wealthy man loses all his money, and rather than sacrifice his social position, he agrees to give the hand of his daughter to a rich man whom she despises. At first she refuses point-blank, but when her father shows her the expediency of the marriage, that it is his only hope of being saved from utter want, she consents, goes through the marriage ceremony, and becomes, according to the law of the land, the rich man’s wife. But is her heart really his? Surely not!
You see it now, don’t you? When a man and a woman would be truly one, they must love with such a love as to receive each other into the innermost recesses of their hearts in such a deep way that they cannot fully express in words all that they feel.
We all have the innermost recess of our beings, which is sacred to us, where emotions stir that no one else could possibly understand. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, because of His love for us, claims the right to enter there. He will take no other place in our lives. The love He had shown for us entitles Him to that place. Will I withhold it?
When I think that Christ’s love for me was so great that He left His Father’s glory and came to earth, becoming truly human that he might suffer and die in my place and give me eternal life, my heart softens towards Him.
If I were to lay sick and helpless in a burning building, a friend had rushed in to save me, and wrapping the blankets about me that I might receive no harm, had himself been critically scarred and burned about the face and arms, would not my heart go out to him? God knows it would!
Thought: Who reigns within my heart?
Prayer: May my heart be softened and made receptive to Your love to me, O God!
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This audio CD is approximately 59 minutes, divided into 34 chapters. Edited by Dr SH Tow Please note that the last paragraph of some chapter texts may not be present in the audio tracks.